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Launch Date:

July 24th @ 11am EST


July 27th @ Midnight EST


Critter Control Commander

Introducing Critter Control Commander—your ultimate toolkit for mastering pest control marketing and skyrocketing your business profits.

Designed specifically for digital marketers, this comprehensive package provides everything you need to attract and retain pest control business clients, create compelling marketing campaigns, and establish yourself as a leading authority.

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Critter Control Commander

Front End - $37.00

50 % Commission

  • 2 Part Pest Control Marketing Training Manual

    • Part 1: Finding and Acquiring Pest Control Business Clients
    • Part 2: Helping Pest Control Businesses Market To Their Customers
  • Effective Facebook Marketing ebook and Video Training

  • Facebook Ad Ninja eBook and Video Training

  • Short Report:  Common Services Offered By Pest Control Companies

  • Short Report:  Understanding Customer Pain Points and Needs

  • Short Report:  Seasonal Trends and Their Impact on Pest Control Services.

  • How-To: On-Page SEO Optimization for Service Pages

  • How-To: Building Local Citations and Backlinks

  • How-To: Set Up and Verify a Google Business Profile

  • How-To: Find Pest Control Companies on Local Directories for Marketers to Prospect

  • How-To: Find Pest Control Associations and Groups

  • Effective Outreach Emails and Messages

  • Effective Phone Scripts

  • 60 - Pest Control Social Media Images and Comment Sheet For Posting

  • Pest Control Website - Divi Theme - Dawn Vu

  • Pest Control Case Studies

  • How-To: Build Your Own Agency Social Media Platforms

  • How To: Encourage Positive Reviews From Pest Control Businesses

  • Agency Social Covers For Reaching Pest Control

  • 30 Articles Related To Pest Control and Marketing Strategies

  • 30 Articles Related To Facebook Marketing

  • 50 Facebook Ads and Editable Facebook Ad Templates

  • 50 PPC Ads and Editable PPC Ad Templates

  • 20 Blogs For Marketers To Use When Reaching Out To Pest Control Businesses

  • Agreements and Forms For Agency Seeking Business With Pest Control Companies

  • Client Onboarding Checklists

  • Customer Follow-Up Guides

  • Bonus: Facebook Cash Tactics and Strategies Blueprint 

  • Bonus:  Facebook Ad Blueprint

  • Bonus:  Pest Identification Guides

  • Bonus - Seasonal Pest Control Guides

  • Bonus - 1295 Page - Encyclopedia of Insects

  • FE Bump - $9.95 - 50% Commission

    100 - Pest Control Quotes, Editable Files, and Comment Sheet For Posting

    Critter Control Commander

    OTO 1 - $57.00

    50 % Commission

  • 120 More Pest Control Images, Comment Sheet, and Editable Files

  • KeyWord Research Specific To Pest Control

  • KeyWord Research Templates Specific To Pest Control

  • Targeting Suggestions For Pest Control Services

  • Budget Planning Worksheet

  • SEO Audits Checklist

  • 5 - Infographics For pest Control

  • 20 - Pest Control Blogs

  • 30 - Pest Control Videos

  • 10 - Pest Control Refrigerator Magnets

  • 10 - Pest Control Flyers

  • 10 - Pest Control Business Cards

  • 10 - Pest Control Social Covers

  • 4 - Pest Control Brochures

  • Lead Generation eBooks

    • Title:  The Ultimate Homeowner's Guide To Pest Prevention
    • Title:  Pest-Free Living:  Expert Tips and Strategies
  • More Facebook and Instagram Ads

  • Google Ads For Pest Control

  • How-To: On-Page SEO Optimization For Pest Control Service Pages

  • How-To: Build Local Citations and Backlinks For Pest Control

  • How-To: Set Up Google Ad Campaigns For Pest Control Companies

  • How-To: Set Up Facebook and Instagram Ad Campaigns For Pest Control Companies

  • How-To: Set Up Retargeting Audiences On Google

  • How-To: Set Up Retargeting Audiences On Facebook

  • How-To: Promote Blog Posts On Social Media and Email

  • How-To: Optimize Videos For YouTube and Social Media

  • How-To: Promote Videos Through Paid and Organic Channels

  • Lead Generation Checklists - One For Marketers and One For Pest Controls Biz

  • How-To: Optimize Videos For YouTube and Social Media

  • Canva Training Videos and PDF Guides

  • OTO 1 DS - $37.00 - 50% Commission

    120 More Pest Control Images, Editable Files, and Comment Sheet

    Keyword Research Specific To Pest Control

    2- Infographics For Pest Control

    10 - Pest Control Blogs

    5 - Pest Control Refrigerator Magnets

    5 - Pest Control Flyers

    5 - Pest Control Business Cards

    5 - Pest Control Social Covers

    2 - Pest Control Brochures

    More Facebook and Instagram Ads

    Google Ads For Pest Control

    How-To: Set Up Google Ad Campaigns For Pest Control Companies

    How-To: Set Up Facebook and Instagram Ad Campaigns For Pest Control Companies

    How-To: Promote Blog Posts On Social Media and Email

    Lead Generation Checklists

    Canva Training and PDF Guides

    OTO 1 Bump - $9.95 - 50% Commission

    Pest Control Door Hangers

    Critter Control Commander

    OTO 2 - $77.00

    50 % Commission

  • Email Templates

  • Subject Lines and Email Copy

  • Drip Campaign Email Sequence For Potenital Pest Control Customers

  • Re-Engagement Campaigns for Inactive Subscribers

  • New Pest Control Newsletters for Marketers

  • New pest Control Newsletters For Pest Control Companies

  • Best Practices For Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc for Pest Control Companies

  • Client Report Templates For Pest Control

  • Professional report templates to present campaign performance and ROI to clients.

  • YouTube Videos

  • Editable video templates for creating promotional videos, customer testimonials, and service demonstrations.

  • Banners For Social Media and Websites

  • Set of stock images for Pest Control

  • How To: Ensure Compliance With Email Marketing Laws For Pest Control (CAN-SPAM, GDPR)

  • How-To: Set Up Automated Email Sequences for New Leads

  • How-To: Use Email Analytics To Refine and Improve Campaigns

  • How-To: Running Local Social Media Campaigns

  • How-To: Find and Engage with Community Groups

  • How To: Monitor Reviews on Major Platforms

  • How-To: Set Up Key Performance Indicators

  • How-To: Use Google Analytics

  • How-To: Use Facebook Insights

  • How-To: Sell YouTube Videos To Pest Control Businesses

  • OTO 2 DS - $47.00 - 50% Commission

    Email Templates

    Subject Lines and Email Copy

    New Pest Control Newsletters for Marketers

    New pest Control Newsletters For Pest Control Companies

    Best Practices For Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc for Pest Control Companies

    Client Report Templates For Pest Control

    YouTube Videos

    Banners For Social Media and Websites

    Set of stock images for Pest Control

    How To: Ensure Compliance With Email Marketing Laws For Pest Control (CAN-SPAM, GDPR)

    How-To: Set Up Automated Email Sequences for New Leads

    How-To: Running Local Social Media Campaigns

    How-To: Find and Engage with Community Groups

    How To: Monitor Reviews on Major Platforms

    How-To: Set Up Key Performance Indicators

    How-To: Sell YouTube Videos To Pest Control Businesses

    OTO 2 Bump - $9.95 - 50% Commission

    SEO Audit Checklist:

    • Detailed checklist for conducting SEO audits on pest control websites.
    • Covers technical SEO, on-page SEO, content analysis, and backlink profile.

    Customer Loyalty Program Kit:

    • Resources and templagtes to set up a customer loyalty program.
    • Includes loyalty cards, reward structure, and promotional materials

    Affiliate Cash Prizes

    $625 In Total JV

    Cash Bonus Payouts!

    (Note: Total cash prize paid for contest will be capped at the amount of your total commissions for the launch.)

    Overall Contest

    $625 Total Prize Money


  •  1st Place - $250

  •  2nd Place - $150

  •  3rd Place - $100

  •  4th Place - $75

  •  5th Place - $50